Fifty Golden Years
Alumni Band Concert Event
Cancellation Notification

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** POSTED May 22, 2014 **


Dear Fellow JT Band Alumni,

As you know, we expressed concerns in recent emails about having difficulty recruiting alumni to participate in our Fifty Golden Years alumni band concert.  After an aggressive push by the board -- one which included individualized emails, social media posts and telephone calls -- we were able to reach numerous alumni in a matter of days.  Unfortunately,  most of the band alumni we made contact with are unable to participate in the concert.  This has left us in the unfortunate situation of not being able to properly seat a band. 

As a result, the BAA board has made the decision to cancel the concert originally scheduled for July 27, 2014.  The board will be meeting again on June 5th to discussion other options to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the JT East, Central and West campuses. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions on how we may proceed with celebrating this milestone event.  Please feel free to contact us with your suggestions.


May 17, 2014 -- Letter to Band Alumni
2) May 5, 2014 -- Letter to Band Alumni

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(This website was launched on January 30, 2009.)