Regular Meeting - Jan. 2011

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JTHS BAA Monthly Meeting Minutes 1.12.11


Attendance: Brad, Gene, Jan, Melissa, Art, Megan, Mary Beth


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.


Jan moved to add Mary Beth back in as 3 year board member.  Art seconded.  All were in favor.


TREASURER’S REPORT: New column for Scholarship Fund.  $20 ticket sold for bowling as a donation, though still earmarked for scholarship.  Gene motioned to approve.  Megan seconds.


REVIEW OF MINUTES: Correction made to change “donees” to “donors.”  Art motioned to approve as amended.  Gene seconded.


ALUMNI BASKETBALL GAME AT JT WEST This Friday.  We should be there at 6.  Jan read the email she received from Kevin Carroll, who will not be there because the jazz bands have a concert.  We are supposed to expect 45 kids for pizza, so we will estimate 60 people.  We will be eating pizza in the teacher’s lounge.  Gene called Linda’s Pizza, which is willing to give us the 15” pizzas for $10 each.  Mary Beth has napkins and will buy Twizzlers, Megan will buy the pop (6 12-packs), water, and plates.  Mary Beth and Megan will make cupcakes.  Brad will talk to security to let them know that band people may be arriving late. 



Gene went back to Comet for our refund.  The people who gave him the refund were not the people that took the money, so it was really a donation.  We should heavily consider them for the future.

Mary Beth mentioned that we should do 50/50s at bowling alleys on league nights to advertise and fundraise at the same time.

Art mentioned selling Superbowl Squares: 4 squares for $5.  He is in charge of this project.  Melissa to search for a printable form online.

Donations:  Only about 13.  Gene to add Joliet Park District to the website.

Additional meeting on Thursday, January 27th at Megan’s house at 7 p.m. to finalize all details and set up gift card “baskets.”



Meeting Adjourned at 9:14 p.m.



Respectfully Submitted,


/s/ Melissa Christman, Secretary



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