Regular Meeting - Nov. 2010

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JTHS BAA Monthly Meeting Minutes 11.10.10


Attendance: Brad, Gene, Jan, Melissa, Art, Megan, Brett


The meeting was called to order at 7:17 p.m.


REVIEW OF MINUTES: No corrections.  Gene motioned to approve.  Jan seconded.


TREASURER’S REPORT: New column for Scholarship Fund.  $20 ticket sold for bowling as a donation, though still earmarked for scholarship.  Melissa motioned to approve.  Art seconded.  Gene requested that the checking account column be moved to the far right or left side of the spreadsheet.



When do we want to reschedule?  Weather could play a role, but we can try to arrange for a “Snow Day.”  For a Sunday afternoon, January 30th is the best because it is between football games, though IMEA is that weekend.

Revamp the event to not advertise it as “Scotch Doubles Bowling Fundraiser”?  Should stay as Scotch Doubles, but people who want to play straight bowling can if they choose to.  Cosmic bowling is an option, but it costs more.  Important that we advertise “scholarship” more to get interest.  Perhaps we should come up with a name for the scholarship for all future advertisements.

E-Vite suggestions: Gene mentioned that we need to be able to add people after the initial setup.

We should definitely try going to the Band Booster Meetings, which the next one for West is Monday December 6th at West in the Little Theatre.

Melissa to write thank-you notes to donors.  Gene to make addition to website: Joliet Park District.

Megan to contact Comet Lanes for refund, Town & Country to schedule new date.  1-3:30 p.m. as before.


Scholarship: Many conversations regarding criteria for choosing a scholarship winner. Very important that we name the scholarship as soon as possible.  Brad tabled this discussion for a later date.


Special events with Bob, other alums should be moved to a time after bowling if possible.


Additional meeting with dinner scheduled for December 14th at 6:00 to plan the bowling fundraiser.  Melissa will talk to the Department to see if they will open the loft for our meeting.


Brett to brainstorm how to get West students more involved.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,


/s/ Melissa Christman, Secretary


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